Sunday, September 8, 2013

Skip the heartbreak

Our Relief Society lesson today was based off of an article written by Elder Quentin L. Cook when he was a member of the 1st quorum of the 70. ( and one line stood out to me as a quote was read. So for my blog post about church today I've chosen to find and copy over this quote. Said Elder Cook:

"A derogatory comment occasionally made about members of the Church is: “They are like sheep waiting to be told what to do by their leaders. Why can’t they think for themselves?” While this comment may sound plausible on its face, the truth is that faithful Latter-day Saints, in a thoughtful and prayerful manner, study the doctrines and principles in the scriptures and in the counsel from living prophets and then seek to receive a confirming witness from the Holy Ghost. They don’t have to make every heartbreaking mistake in life. They know what is right and what is wrong. They don’t have to decide over and over again how they will live. They can benefit from the life experiences of all those generations that have preceded them and from instructions from our Father in Heaven and His anointed servants. They can turn away from temptation.
We inevitably must make choices. If we know the doctrines and principles of the gospel, we can make wise decisions. If our lives are pure, the Spirit will guide us."

Italics added. The italicized part is the line that stood out to me during the original reading in class today. I'm an observer. I learn quickly because I can watch how people do things and then do a pretty good job of doing it myself. Thus, I really like this idea. You don't have to experience everything. You can read and study and watch and listen and avoid mistakes that lead to heartbreak and struggles in life. Why would anyone want to learn all on their own? I would hate to have learned to ride a bike on my own; or imagine learning to be a tight rope walker or trapeze artist without aid. It's dumb. You'd get hurt or die. Why then shouldn't we look to those before us and guidance from a loving heavenly father to assist us in our learning and growing? I just makes sense. SO- read your scriptures, listen to your parents and elders and prophets, and most of all your Heavenly Father. Avoid heartbreak, be happy. 'Nuf said.

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