Tuesday, January 15, 2013


A.K.A the 'Why?' post...

It makes sense to me to begin any sort of writing with an explanation of why and what. So, here you go:

I decided to make this blog yesterday, during church I think. In fact, I know what it was that made me decide to start this but I can't find it anywhere (if I read it) or remember where I heard it (if it was spoken). In either case I'm resigned to paraphrasing and not giving a full blown story like I usually would. You can decide if that's good or not for yourself.

So, it starts a while back. I once created a folder on my computer for possible ideas for lessons, should I ever decide to try and teach classes at EFY. (which is another story...) This folder had a few things in it, but was largely unused. Later I noticed that the times when I do my best study of the scriptures is when I'm preparing a lesson or talk for church. Not too surprising, but it gave me the idea that it would be a good idea to improve my study to sort of act like I had a talk or lesson to prepare each week, and I could keep it in this folder. Well, it still didn't fill up much. Then sometime in the last 2 days or so I heard/read a quote from (I think?) a member of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. It cited a saying of Nephi and then encouraged Latter-day Saints to write and share the gospel with the technology that is available. Or maybe my brain just added the technology part (it's hard when you can't actually find what you read) but the message I got was, I need to be putting my knowledge and testimony out there. I had already renewed my determination to write lessons and talks as part of my personal study, so I switched from planning to keep them in a folder to posting them online. Who knows if they'll do anyone any good. But it can't be less useful than they would be in a folder in my hard drive.

As a side note, this might have been the scripture that was cited:
1 Nephi 19:18 
And I, Nephi, have written these things unto my people, that perhaps I might persuade them that they would remember the Lord their Redeemer.

This wasn't it, but I feel it's appropriate anyway. Naturally, I won't just write Isaiah. I'll use all sorts of scriptures and prophetic quotes, which are a lot like Isaiah- him being a prophet and all...
2 Nephi 11:8
8 And now I write some of the words of Isaiah, that whoso of my people shall see these words may lift up their hearts and rejoice for all men. Now these are the words, and ye may liken them unto you and unto all men.

Last note- if anyone figures out what I read I'd appreciate a notice. I read Elder Cook's talk on Sunday and I thought that's where it was, but upon re-reading (er, skimming) it wasn't. I listened to Pres. Uchtdorf's CES devotional, but the text isn't up yet for me to skim. (and I'm pretty sure this idea came earlier in the day, but who knows. I can't even remember who said it...) I also had been reading "The Faith of a Scientist" by Dr. Henry Eyring, but I can't find it in there either after a perusal of my recent readings. So, if you find it give me a shout.

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