Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nuggets from a coupel Sundays

I didn't write after sacrament meeting last week. I fell asleep instead. It was the weekend of our Turner side's girl's night out in Park City and we had gone to bed late and gotten up rather early so I could make it to church on time. I was impressed I even made it through church without falling asleep. But, alas, it caught up to me in the afternoon and I slept most of the remainder of the day. Despite my diminished mental capacity last week, (and in truth this week too) I remember it being a very good block at church and even enjoying the "Meet the Stake Presidency" fireside that evening. We also had a good block of classes today and a lovely ward prayer thought. I've decided I would just write down some notes from my journal instead of commenting on one theme in this post. But who knows, maybe I'll get drawn off by something in the middle of my list, maybe I won't. We'll see...

  • Being virtuous is being like Christ. Being virtuous is having power- power to act, power against sin...
  • Don't judge, just have compassion. The Savior is described a few times as 'being filled with compassion'. As we are compassionate we will be filled with charity.
  • Start your day with prayer, but remember- you don't have to pray about yourself. There are way too many people who need blessings for you to only pray for yourself- ever. 
  • Fast and pray about relationships.
  • Just worry about being the best sister you can.
  • Want to be Christ's friend? Give your life for him.
In truth, that's probably 60% of the notes I've taken the last 2 Sundays. But at least they're good notes. To end I want to just throw out a question that I thought while I was reviewing my journal. It actually arose from notes on the last CES broadcast by Elder Nelson. He left an apostolic blessing at the end. This is what I wrote down "Feast upon the word of Christ and live their teachings. Live as Christ desires and be an example. [We are promised]  success in school and work that [we] may serve others. [Promised] health and strength to fulfill God's destiny for me".
Now, first of all, it's interesting to think about "God's destiny for me". I've been feeling lately a lot like there's no big plan. I was just brought to this point and sent out into the ocean of life to swim about as I wish within the safety guidelines and wherever I end up it doesn't really matter- it's the obedience that matters. But at the same time a part of me keeps saying 'No, that's not right. There's a plan, there's a destination. There must be things at work here that I just don't understand yet'. Yet, it's hard to see how this could ever come into focus as a time of preparation or growth. It just feels like a time of hanging around, waiting to figure out what's next... But that's not the point.
The point was the line before that "Success in school and work that I may serve others". I am in school right now as a grad student at USU studying math. I also teach a math class on campus as part of this grad program. How will my masters, my education, my knowledge of random unapplicable math, allow me to serve others? I don't know. Maybe at this time it will be more of a I'll have success so I don't have to spend every waking moment studying and then I'll have time and energy to serve others. Yeah, that sounds nice. I'll take that.

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