Thursday, August 29, 2013

My thoughts on...

Remember that one time I made a new blog that I didn't tell anyone about and only posted one thing in it and left it for 7 months without touching it again, yet blogger still says it got 20 page views? That's impressive for a 'secret blog'. You may ask why I'm blogging this instead of just saving it on my computer if it's 'secret'? Well, I don't really remember. I suppose I'd have to go back and read my first post again to find out. But whatever that reason is, I've determined that it's time for this blog to no longer be ignored and left in peace. I have decided it's time for Countertop Discourses to fulfill the measure of it's creation- to get me to study and write more about gospel topics. I find that I have a hard time just pondering. I tend to fall asleep or sit there with an empty brain. However, when I have something to write with I can think through things much more clearly. Also when i am going to talk about something I feel more motivated to study it and think about it's application to my life. I don't get the chance to teach or talk very often in church (i.e. the only time I've talked in this ward was when I was called into the RS presidency... I've lived here for 3 years.) so I created this blog to sort of artificially create that situation.

So, how am I going to keep myself from leaving this in peace for another half a year? I'm not sure. But I think a good start is making a list of subjects I want to write about. Subjects to start with. Hopefully that will give me somewhere to go. So, bring on the list!
(In no particular order...)
  • Grace
  • Faith
  • The spiritual benefits of going to bed early?
  • Charity
  • Love the Lord they God...
  • Coming to know Christ
  • Sin
  • Recording our lives and spiritual impressions
  • Peace
  • Temple worship
  • Worship (general)
  • Keeping the Sabbath day holy (I actually almost wrote 'wholy' there. That's wrong in so many ways. ha.)
  • ...

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